Saturday, March 18, 2023 Solar Power and Energy Policy

Solar power, and energy policy in Georgia

  1. Exploratory

The state of Georgia has emerged as a surprising bright spot in the United States' solar industry despite the lack of renewable energy mandates. According to NPR, Georgia now ranks tenth in the country for installed solar capacity. There for Georgia has become one of the fastest-growing states in solar energy production in the US. One key driver of this growth is the falling cost of solar technology, and with Georgia having no mandates on renewable energy it has attracted large investments from solar companies. (Silicon Ranch , 2017) Additionally, the state's relatively mild weather makes solar power a more viable option than in other parts of the country. Georgia Power's decision to purchase solar power from independent producers has also been a factor in the state's solar success. (Hsu, A., & Kelly, M. L. , 2019, June 24) Large companies like Google and Facebook have contributed to the growth of solar energy in Georgia. Solar energy projects have also created jobs and revenue for the more rural areas in Georgia.

  1. Diagnostic

One of the main reasons behind Georgia's solar success is the state's supportive policies for solar power and the fact that solar energy has become more affordable due to technological advancements, making it a more attractive option for businesses and homeowners. The state's solar industry has been able to grow because of the state's regulatory structure, which encourages investment in the solar industry. (Silicon Ranch , 2017) Additionally, Georgia has a favorable tax policy for solar power, which has helped to encourage investment in the sector. The tax policy being incentives for solar projects, making it more financially feasible for companies to invest in solar energy.

  1. Cause and Effect

If Georgia continues to support its solar industry, the state could become a leader in solar power. The state's supportive policies for solar power have already led to significant growth in the sector, and as more companies invest in solar energy and demand for renewable energy increases, it is likely that the solar industry in Georgia will continue to grow tremendously. This growth could lead to the creation of more jobs and revenue for rural areas in the state. more solar power is installed, the cost of solar technology will continue to fall, making it even more cost-effective for consumers. (Hsu, A., & Kelly, M. L. , 2019, June 24) This, in turn, will drive even more investment in the sector, creating a virtuous cycle of growth. Additionally, an increased use of solar power could lead to a reduction in carbon emissions, benefiting the environment.

  1. Priority

The most important issue here is the need for more states to adopt supportive policies for renewable energy. Georgia's success shows that a lack of mandates doesn't have to hold a state back from embracing renewable energy. By adopting policies that encourage investment in the sector, states can create jobs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and drive economic growth. Therefore it is important that Georgia continues to support the development of renewable energy. This includes maintaining tax incentives for solar projects, promoting the use of renewable energy by large corporations, and investing in infrastructure to support solar energy production.

  1. Application

Georgia's solar success provides an example for other states to follow and how state policies and incentives can encourage the development of renewable energy. Therefore by adopting policies that support the growth of renewable energy, states can create a more sustainable energy future while also driving economic growth. This is relevant to the study of culture as it highlights how societal values, such as a commitment to reducing carbon emissions, can drive changes in the energy sector. Additionally, businesses and individuals can benefit from investing in solar power, as it can help reduce energy costs while also reducing their carbon footprint and also how technological advancements can make sustainable practices more financially feasible for businesses and individuals.

  1. Critical

This article challenges the assumption that state-level mandates are necessary for the growth of renewable energy and the continued development of the solar industry. Georgia's success shows that supportive policies can be just as effective in driving growth in the sector as well as having financial incentives and commitments from large corporations can drive demand for renewable energy. Georgia's success in solar energy production without such mandates suggests that financial incentives and commitments from large corporations can drive demand for renewable energy. This challenges the notion that government intervention is necessary for the growth of renewable energy and highlights the importance of private sector investment in sustainable practices.


Hsu, A., & Kelly, M. L. (2019, June 24). How solar grew in Georgia despite lack of mandates on renewable energy. National Public Radio. Retrieved from

Silicon Ranch. (2017). Silicon Ranch Hazlehurst II Project on Georgia Farm Bureau TV [Video]. Vimeo.

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