Monday, February 13, 2023

Activity 3.1 – Human Population

  • South Korea

  • 5 births per 1000 people

  • 6 deaths per 1000 people

  • -0.1 %Population growth rate 

  • Life expectancy for 80 males and 86 females

  • 1990 :1.6  2020: 0.8 Fertility rate

  • 43,480 (GNI)

    (Population Ref., 2021)

South Korea was one of the more developed countries I found. South Korea has a birth rate of 5 per thousand people (Population Ref., 2021). An interesting fact about Korea’s childbirth is that Korea reached 0.95% birth rate in 2019, which is the lowest among OECD countries (Childbirth in South Korea, 2022). The birth rate in South Korea is one of the lowest compared to other countries in East Asia and even to its neighboring county North Korea which is 14 per thousand people. The low birth rate can also be attributed to the lower fertility rate because in 1990 there was a fertility rate of 1.6, and as of 2020 the fertility rate drop down to 0.8 making South Korea the lowest fertility rate in the world. The death rate is 6 deaths per thousand people which is the second lowest in East Asia.The population growth rate though is at -0.1% this can be attributed to the births per thousand people being lower that the death rate. With their population growth rate being in the negative. It is one of the lowest population growth rate, especially compared to that of Afghanistan, which is 2.6. Granted the life expectancy of males in South Korea is 80 and the females live to an average of 86 years old which is one of the high life expectancies. With the average life expectancy in South Korea being 83 years it is one of the higher life expectancy’s, and also at least an extra 20 years compared to Afghanistan were the average 65 years old. Finally the Gross National Income in South Korea is 43,480.

  • Afghanistan

  • 32 births per 1000 people

  • 6 Deaths per 1000 people 

  • 2.6 Population growth rate 

  • Life expectancy for 64 males and 67 females

  • 1990 7.5 , 2020 4.3 Fertility rate 

  • 2,110 (GNI)

    (Population Ref., 2021)

 Afghanistan is one of the least developed country I have found. As their Gross National Income is only 2,110, this one of the lowest GNI in South Asia and only is only about 5% of what South Koreans make. With a birth rate of 32 per thousand people there are a lot of mouths to feed and barely any money. With a death rate of 6 per thousand people Afghanistan is easily one of the more overpopulated countries for its size. An with an average of 2.6 in the population growth rate it will only get more crowded. Though the life expectancy for mean is 64 years and women 67 years they do not necessarily live as long of a life as those in South Korea. The large birthrate can be attributed to the fertility rate that in 1990 was 7.5, but has since 2020 drop down to 4.3 (Population Ref., 2021). Afghanistan versus South Korea even though they are both in Asia the differences could be more, but they do have one similarity and that is there death rate of 6 per thousand people that doesn’t seem like many but when you compare it to the amount of people being born it can very heavily impact a country no matter the size.

Works cited

Population Reference Bureau. (2021). 2021 world population data sheet2021-World-Pop Data-Sheet.pdf

Childbirth in South Korea. (2022, June 19). Wikipedia.

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