Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Activity 3.2.1 – Natural Resources Review


Energy resources can be associated with many things when you first hear it most tend to think of gas and oil, and it consists of both of those but one of the larger contributors is the sun.(Brian A. Jerome, 2007) energy resources can be separated into two categories, renewable and non-renewable. Renewable sources include solar power, biomass, wind energy, hydroelectric energy, and geothermal energy. These renewable sources are easier to replace, as they are mainly derived from what earth has a large abundance of that can be easily replaced. So the disadvantages to these renewable sources is that they can be expensive to build and to destroy, and if used incorrectly can cause even more pollution, then non-renewable sources do. Non-renewable sources include oil and coal and these sources disadvantages are that they create a large amount of air pollution, and contribute heavily to climate change. This is without mentioning that these sources once they are gone, will not be around for millions of years as coal is made up of decomposed animals and plants from millions of years ago. Once these sources have been depleted, we will never see them nor are these sources something that will progress us in the future.

Work cited

Brian A. Jerome, & Visual Learning Systems (Producers), & . (2007). Energy Resources. [Video/DVD] Visual Learning Systems. Retrieved from https://video.alexanderstreet.com/watch/energy-3 

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