Sunday, March 19, 2023

Activity 2.3.1 Ranchers, Anglers, and Beavers


  1. Exploratory
  • The article and video discuss the use of grazing and beavers to restore streamside vegetation and improve stream health.
  • Grazing can help to reduce invasive plant species and create a diverse mix of plant life, which benefits both the stream and wildlife.
  • Beavers play an important role in creating healthy stream ecosystems by building dams that create pools and slow the flow of water, which helps to improve water quality and create habitat for fish and other aquatic species.
  • The restoration project highlighted in the article and video took place on private land in Idaho, but similar techniques have been used successfully in other locations as well.
  1. Diagnostic
  • One of the main causes of degraded stream ecosystems is the loss of riparian vegetation, which can lead to erosion, sedimentation, and increased water temperatures.
  • Historically, beavers played an important role in maintaining healthy stream ecosystems, but their populations were decimated by trapping and hunting.
  • Livestock grazing can also contribute to stream degradation if not managed properly, but can also be used as a tool for restoration when implemented in a strategic and controlled way.
  1. Cause and Effect
  • If streamside vegetation continues to be lost or degraded, it can lead to negative impacts on water quality, aquatic habitat, and wildlife populations.
  • By restoring riparian vegetation, creating habitat for beavers, and using strategic grazing techniques, stream health can be improved and negative impacts can be reduced.
  1. Priority
  • The most important issue for stream restoration is the restoration of riparian vegetation, which provides a range of ecosystem services and benefits to both the stream and surrounding wildlife.
  • Beavers also play an important role in stream health, and efforts should be made to restore populations where possible.
  • Proper management of livestock grazing can also be a valuable tool for stream restoration, but must be done in a strategic and controlled way to avoid negative impacts.
  1. Application
  • The techniques highlighted in the article and video can be applied to stream restoration projects in a variety of locations and contexts.
  • Restoring riparian vegetation, creating beaver habitat, and using strategic grazing techniques can all help to improve stream health and promote healthy ecosystems.
  • This is related to culture and society as we have studied, as healthy ecosystems and clean water are important for both human and wildlife populations.
  1. Critical
  • This article and video challenged my assumptions about the role of beavers in ecosystem restoration, and highlighted the important role they play in creating healthy stream ecosystems.
  • I was also interested to learn about the potential benefits of grazing for stream restoration, as I had previously associated grazing with negative impacts on ecosystems.
  • This article and video helped me to understand the importance of a multifaceted approach to ecosystem restoration, and the value of working with nature rather than against it.


Fesenmyer, K. (2016). Restoring streamside vegetation using grazing and beavers. Trout Unlimited. 

Fesenmyer, K. A, Dauwalter, D. C., Evans, C., & Allai, T. (2018). Livestock management, beaver, and climate influences on riparian vegetation in a semi-arid landscape. PLoS ONE 13(12). 


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