Sunday, March 19, 2023

Activity 2.3.2 Ranchers as Grassland Conservation


  1. Exploratory
  • Grasslands are the largest terrestrial biome on earth.
  • There are both natural and man-made threats to grassland ecosystems, including urbanization, conversion to cropland, and overgrazing.
  • Grasslands are important habitats for many species of wildlife, including migratory birds and large herbivores like bison and pronghorn.
  • Grasslands also provide important ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration and water filtration.
  • Conservation efforts for grasslands involve both preserving existing grasslands and restoring degraded areas.
  • Grassland restoration techniques include prescribed burning, rotational grazing, and reintroduction of native plant species.
  1. Diagnostic
  • One of the main causes of grassland degradation is overgrazing by livestock, which can lead to soil compaction and loss of native plant species.
  • Another major cause of grassland loss is the conversion of grassland habitat to cropland for agriculture.
  • Urbanization and development also threaten grassland ecosystems.
  1. Cause and Effect
  • If grassland ecosystems continue to be degraded and lost at their current rate, many species of wildlife will lose their habitats and become endangered or extinct.
  • Degraded grasslands also have reduced ecosystem services, such as decreased carbon sequestration and increased erosion.
  1. Priority
  • The most important issue for grassland conservation is the reduction of human-caused threats to these ecosystems, including overgrazing, conversion to cropland, and urbanization.
  • Additionally, there is a need for increased funding and resources for grassland conservation and restoration efforts.
  1. Application
  • Grassland conservation and restoration efforts can be applied on both large and small scales, from restoring degraded land on a ranch to protecting large tracts of intact grassland habitat through conservation easements or national park designations.
  • Grassland conservation is also relevant to cultural and historical preservation, as many grasslands have cultural significance to indigenous peoples and have been home to iconic wildlife species like bison and pronghorn for thousands of years.
  1. Critical
  • This podcast challenged my assumptions about the importance and complexity of grassland ecosystems, and highlighted the need for increased conservation efforts to protect these important habitats.
  • I was also surprised to learn about the cultural and historical significance of grasslands, and how indigenous peoples have managed and interacted with these ecosystems for thousands of years.


    Roberson, E. (Host). (2016, May 26). Conserving and restoring the world’s grasslands [Audio podcast episode]. In Mountain & Prairie Podcast.

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